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3 Super easy back-to-school hairstyle ideas

by Brooklyn Hair 27 Jul 2021

3 Super easy back-to-school hairstyle ideas

If you are like most people, whether you are going back to high school or back to college, one of the most important things is to find a hairstyle that can keep up with your busy schedule. Finding the right hairstyle is certainly key in ensuring that you are out the door in no time while still looking your very best.
Still feeling unsure about what style you should get? Well, we’ve got you covered.

3 easy back-to-school styles:

Half up half down hairstyle – this style is a very quick style that could get you out of the door in no time. Firstly, all you’ll have to do is to part your hair from the middle going straight across in a horizontal line and then use a scrunchie to make a small top bun. Next, you could easily wrap a bundle or two around your bun and quickly clip in a few tracks in between the rest of your hair in the back. The best thing about this quick style is that no one will even believe that you are wearing extensions.

A low ponytail – this style is an instant classic. With just the need for a few bobby pins, a scrunchie, a brush and some gel, you can have this style in no time. Firstly, you will need to get your hair slicked back with the gel and the brush, then by using the scrunchie gather your hair into a knot. From there, you may proceed to use the bobby pins to secure your chosen style of hair extension. Easy as 123.

Wig – still in need of something that will get you out of the door in less than 5 minutes? Well, a wig could solve all your problems. With this option you could get a closure wig which you could take on and off each day. You will surely be happy with this option.

With these top 3 options, your back-to-school routine should be fast and easy. You will be out the door in no time!

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